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until dedsec came along.

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05/11/2020 03:36 AM <DIR>
05/11/2020 03:39 AM <DIR>
05/11/2020 03:45 AM <DIR>
05/11/2020 04:09 AM <DIR>


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inxp - 6w7
aries ☉
aquarius ↑
leo ☾

who am i? it's something i ask myself a lot. maybe that's why on here.
i can give the basics, at least. my name's Mel, i am non-binary, going by they/them, and am 18 years old. extremely cynical, and just always shitposting.


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i tend to focus on one or two main interests at a time, otherwise my brain fucking explodes

content creators:
-binging with babish
-unus annus

-rainbow six siege
-watch dogs
-final fantasy
-the elder scrolls
-dead by daylight
-apex legends

-dance gavin dance
-duran duran
-ninja sex party

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unfortunately, i kin. doubles are fine for all.

main ids:
-wrench (wd2)
-mute (r6s)
-jackal (r6s)
-johnny (jjba)

lower ids:
-fugo (jjba)
-raiden (mgs)
-baptiste (ow)
-kapkan (r6s)


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-narciso anasui (jjba)
-shikamaru nara (naruto)
-ana (overwatch)
-roadhog (overwatch)
-renzo shima (ao no exorcist)
-jonathan byers (stranger things)
-nea karlsson (dbd)
-gundham tanaka (sdr2)
-noctis lucis caelum (ffxv)
-the abomination (darkest dungeon)
-black (pkmn)
-the jackal (far cry 2)
-bloodhound (apex)


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there are a shit ton of characters that make me unreasonably happy. those include my main id kins as well.
if you want a full list, check this out


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do not interact if:
-fit general dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, nb skeptic, racist)
-you are 14 or younger
-you self label as a fujoshi


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congrats, you done it.
thanks for going through my carrd. to follow, dm me the following:
"Wrench style, baby!"

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-gyro zeppeli (jjba)
-johnny joestar (jjba)
-aya tsuji (jjba)
-narancia ghirga (jjba)
-guido mista (jjba)
-pannacotta fugo (jjba)
-la squadra as a whole (jjba)
-tiziano (jjba)
-narciso anasui (jjba)
-weather report (jjba)
-hermes costello (jjba)
-foo fighters (jjba)
-prompto argentum (ffxv)
-gundham tanaka (sdr2)
-korekiyo shinguuji (ndrv3)
-sheik/zelda (loz)
-every single mr saturn (eb)
-demyx (kh)
-the plague (dbd)
-the hag (dbd)
-the spirit (dbd)
-nea karlsson (dbd)
-nico di angelo (pjo)
-steve harrington (st)
-max mayfield (st)
-max “mozzie” goose (r6s)
-alexsandr "tachanka" senaviev (r6s)
-lera "finka" melnikova (r6s)
-elena "mira" álvarez (r6s)
-gilles "montagne" touré (r6s)
-james "smoke" porter (r6s)
-mark "mute" chandar (r6s)
-archie (pokemon)
-wrench (wd2)
-sitara dhawan (wd2)
-marcus holloway (wd2)
-eva (mgs)
-the boss (mgs)
-kazuhira miller (mgs)
-revolver ocelot (mgs)
-raiden (mgs)
-jessie rasberry (ffvii)
-tifa lockhart (ffvii)
-shieldbreaker (dd)
-flagellant (dd)
-abomination (dd)
-octane (apex)
-bloodhound (apex)

i've also got a couple of comfort ships, art of them always brightens my day.

-jackal/mozzie (r6s)
-tachanka/kapkan (r6s)
-smoke/mute (r6s)
-marcus/wrench (wd2)
-tifa/aerith (ffvii)
-cloud/jessie (ffvii)
-jolyne/hermes (jjba)
-gyro/johnny (jjba)


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The Wrench...man...what to say about this guy? Some freaky shit going on right there. I'd like to say he's actually a sensitive, charming guy beneath the harsh exterior, but I'm pretty sure he's a "fucked up motherfucker" all the way through.

At first, I thought he was trying too hard... like he was an FBI plant or something... but no agent's going to pull the kind of suicidal stunts this guy does. I think the truth is... Wrench doesn't care if he dies, but he's not going quietly.

Even so... I'm glad we've got the Wrench on our side. One of the group's biggest problems is a lack of GSD...Gettin' Shit Done. The Wrench is pure GSD and he brings his own sledgehammer.

He's not some dumb thug, either... I've seen some of his code--he's legit. Probably why he's interested in DedSec and not some street gang. You know what, I take that back. He might actually belong to a street gang.

Who knows. One thing I do know about Wrench... the man hates Blume. I mean HATES them. I can't get the "why" from him. It's obvious he wears the mask to avoid the facial recognition, but what's he hiding FROM? He's not saying.


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Ever since he can remember, Specialist Ryad "Jackal" Ramirez Al-Hassar has been nocturnal. Throughout his career, it's been almost a blessing given the demands of the job. Somewhere along the way, though, this has developed into insomnia. At this point, Al-Hassar can't recall when he last slept well.

Past experiences have given Al-Hassar a protective nature and a fierce sense of justice. He can be competitive to the point of pettiness, yet in all cases, he's able to check himself before endangering an operation. He described to me that before each op, he visualizes mental switches being flipped. These "switches" enable him to ratchet up his abilities and maintain focus. Nevertheless, I'd like to delve deeper into this to see if we can help him manage to balance his personal world as well. I need to ensure he isn't experiencing extreme shifts in mood outside of the workplace.

He's taken some steps toward this by teaching at the academy. Not only will his talents prove invaluable to the young police cadets, but it forms connections that Al-Hassar didn't realize he was missing. I've also just learned that our conversation prompted Al-Hassar to volunteer with at-risk youth. Helping others stabilize their lives may help him to secure his own internal world, as well.


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Johnny was burdened by depression and a subsequent lack of confidence. Notably calling himself a useless person, Johnny's bleak outlook of life stemmed from his youth. During his childhood, Johnny was a timid yet kind child. Though he was afraid of his harsh father George Joestar, he would try to live up to his expectations.

He then believed throughout the years that Fate itself was taking revenge on him for his crime and that every misfortune he received was in fact deserved. It also explains Johnny's rampant lack of confidence and near constant bouts of panic as he thought that Fate could at any moment take away his hope

Johnny's perspective improved greatly upon meeting Gyro Zeppeli. Having met someone who gave him hope and was genuinely nice to him, Johnny felt grateful for meeting the Italian executioner and treasured this relationship. Gyro repeatedly knocked Johnny out of his lack of confidence and helped him get the Corpse Parts, giving him assurance and optimism in life.


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It may not be immediately clear why Specialist Mark Chandar's codename is Mute. While he dislikes small talk, he isn't particularly reserved and in fact can be brash - a trait that is off-putting to some. Whatever social agitation he experiences, there are some indications that he's unable to shake it off. I suspect it's because he's impatient. He needs to appreciate that there are different approaches to solving a problem.

Chandar tends to gravitate to certain personalities. In particular, I've noticed that he's been interacting with Specialist Timur "Glaz" Glazkov lately. Because Chandar revels in deconstructing equipment to create something new, I think he's drawn to abstract thinkers and Glazkov has a similar talent for seeing complex situations in a unique way.

Given his background in information security, Chandar understands secrecy and seems uncomfortable with expressing himself or with personal questions. In his field, and here at Rainbow, information is a critical - life and death - commodity. So of course, I respect this but only up to a limit. I had to find another way in and we managed to find common ground in discussing History, of all things!


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